Woke up this morning with the empowering feeling of lightness. I finally roused myself from a nightmare that lasted 7 months. Finally. I was smiling, and even a defective car alarm piercing the calmness of the morning didn't matter. I just knew, today is going to be a good day.
As I regained consciousness, I felt the pain in my left arm. I didn't know clutching a phone tightly for a prolonged period could cause such pain. My earlobes were sore too and I vowed not to stick earphones in my ears for a day or two. It needs recuperation after the laud, coarse, barbaric night before, where Aveena just couldn't control her decibel level over the phone. And oh, how I strained my ears to make sense of the deep guttural noise of another friend. But hey, it was worth it - letting it all out, once and for all.
The cause for celebration ? My liberation. Ha! I'm ecstatic. Still. And I'm gleaming.
Also, learnt a few things about myself. I NEVER knew I could speak softly over the phone. I was practically whimpering at the right moments. Astonishing!
It was an unmistakable smile. And it spoke of my prediction that today was going to be all good and happy. The baby boy in light blue with soft hair, red, butterfly soft lips, clear, angelic pale moon white skin looked at me like he wanted to share my joy. I played peek-a-boo discretely but stopped when another patron turned to look. After that, I couldn't help but to wallow with an urge to have babies of my own. Maternal instincts have no sense of place or time.
There's a huge problem though. I'm too tantalised by the fruits of sex to discount males entirely. Beyond that, they have no place in society. Males = Dullards.
The house I took 10 hours to clean lies in a clutter of mess now, but I don't care, not one bit. Lil' bro and mommy are back. That's all that matters. More reasons for me to be happy today.
When my 9-year-old brother sat on my lap and fed me ice cream I was brimming with felicity. I missed him, sorely, and at least I can have the satisfaction that it was mutual. He was brown and I couldn't help whacking his butt and exclaiming aloud over and over again on the disappearance of his gluttonous belly. He's lean, but he's still adorable. He's the cutest thing that happened to me and it took me 9 years to realise that…
Mom was okay about it, when she heard I had done enough to have her car reside in a workshop for a couple of days. Thank god. I had calculated that if there were anything that can ruin the promise of today, it would be her wrath.
I have got to study.
current music : Bobby Mcferrin's Don't worry, be happy