Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Fresh Start, Or Maybe Not

It's New Year's Day tomorrow, Indian calendar that is. Which will only mean more work for me - cleaning up the altar is a complex chore and I doubt I will get the utensils to shine anyhow. Considering how exasperated I'm with household chores, I don't think I'll relish the thought of the extra I'm making myself do just for the sake of it.

I found out by chance. I noticed how the temple was a-buzz with activity for the past 3 days and a call from my aunt confirmed it. The idea of 'celebrating' all alone is sappy enough, a quick look at my exam calendar made me conclude that this new year is starting off like the rabies is to a dog. I have 3 papers tomorrow, all Chemistry, one of which is a practical.

I don't know how I'm going to cram up all that I have to do. Since studying is out of the timetable (yeay!), I think I'm going to have to wake up earlier than usual, if the usual 5 a.m is not early enough.

1- To dash to the temple to collect that holy water, to use during my bath. It supposedly cleanses away your sins and gets you going with a fresh start. By the by, it's very nice smelling.

2- To mix a thick paste of herbs to use while shampooing after rubbing myself with oil. The oil bath is pleasant and all, but I can't imagine the mess I would make out of the bathroom…more work…argh!

3- Start burning incense sticks, blast the radio with devotional songs, ring the bell, light the lamp, pray…

4- Dash to the temple again, for the New Year's Prayer. I can alternatively go at night but the crowd is sure to be huge and there would virtually be no parking space.

5- Dash, again, but now to college, only to conduct a non-fool-proof experiment involving god knows what only to get negative results.

6- Eat lunch. Oh I must be vegetarian, and so that rules out cafeteria, Yu Yee and everything else. How I wish I could dash to my grandmother's house. Her mouth-watering Sambar a.k.a Dhal with veggies and oh, that sweet pumpkin dish she used to make…..

7- Sit for 2 more bloody papers in that stupid lecture theater. I tell you the energy needed to keep yourself warm is more than what is needed to think. Shivering isn't helpful either, especially since after nearly 2 weeks doing the routine, I'm having tics even when I'm not at that cold storage.

8- Home sweet home - not entirely sweet since I'm all alone.

Some new year huh.

Looking ahead with Diana Ross's When you tell me that you love me


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