Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The £10 Note Meets The £1 Coin

Medics are happy people :)

King's College, Cambridge

The £10 Note meets the £1 Coin regularly, you know, to catch up.

“So, what has your week been like?” said the £1 coin to the £10 Note.
“Quite an exciting week I would say…saw a football match, had Chinese take-away, went shopping, visited the dentist…….. How about you? Did anything nice?”
“Oh, well, the usual……Church, church, church…”

If we are still talking in terms of notes and coins, want to know what happened to £ 400.00++ ?


YES! It disappeared! Right in front of my eyes…………ohhhhh………how it pains me.

The cause: Missed flight

1) Freaking security check
-Blatant inefficiency
-Petulant staff
-Unreasonably rude and inconsiderate personnel at the Stansted Airport.

2) Sneaky, conniving budget airline
- Idiotic RyanAir
- Irresponsible staff

3) Heightened human traffic
- need I say more…the time of the year explains it all

O god, I can’t possibly continue writing coherently in bullet points. It’s just not fair at all. Tell me, would you expect things like this to happen to you when you took the pains to get to the airport 2 hours earlier, and get this, as advised. Then line up, only to be held up with baggage procedures and then told to proceed to a sneaking, snaking, impossibly long line for the security check. Then there is this unreasonably sour bunch of green moronic idiots called security guards who are so pointless! And all this at 5 in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND get this, after indelible ruining us, they sent us to-and-fro while pointing, pushing the blame on separate companies…..made us fill up ‘I-Will-Look-This-Up-Next-Year Feedback forms’ simply because RyanAir would not take responsibility for us missing the flight due to the delay caused by the Airport Staff.

This is pointless, complaining about this. But to conclude;

1) Yes, we are striving to bug the hell out of those that ‘puffed-away’ our money, and we WOULD NOT QUIT till we get it ALL BACK! ALL OF IT!

2) Yes, I will cringe at the mention of Norway from now on, its just jinxed Ee Mae. Am so sorry, but I cannot possibly be expected to remain optimistic about this.

3) Impromptu decisions are exciting! Cambridge was brilliant Ee Mae! Everything was perfect, even the weather. Brought back pangs of what am missing out on though……..it’s their loss, stupid Queens College!

4) Time to rot in Notts and study I suppose………oh well………my money…………aaarrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

Current Music : John Mayer's Waiting on the world to change

Saturday, December 09, 2006

My Neglected Blog

Deeparaya 2006 - NMS committee

Julie's 21st, at Hooters

Sunita's 19th, at my pretty little house

Notts Games 2006, Registration Sub-Committee

Nilany's 25th, at my home, again

Xmas Concert, WeeVien's solo performance

…… listening to too many records messes your life up….maybe there’s something in it after all. It seems to me that if you place music (and books, probably, and films, and plays, and anything that makes you feel) at the centre of your being, then you can’t afford to sort out you love life; start to think of it as a finished product. You’ve got to pick at it, keep it alive and in turmoil, you’ve got to pick at it and unravel it until it all comes apart and you’re compelled to start all over again.

Maybe we all live at too high a pitch, those of us who absorb emotional things all day, and as a consequence we can never really feel content: we have to be unhappy, or ecstatically, head-over-heels happy, and those states are difficult to achieve within a stable, solid relationship. Maybe Al Green is responsible for more than I ever realised.

[ High Fidelity, Nick Hornby ]

Second year is much better than the first;

Am no longer home sick

Am in better control of my food intake, although gastrointestinal emptying does throw of the restrain and ¾ of the day is spent in the kitchen nibbling.

Chocolate does not constitute my staple diet.
(But well, since I’m prone to emotional distress and an unstable psychological state, I do succumb to it sometimes…….)
It’s amazing though, living with people you know in a house, instead of a 4 X 4 cubicle; medieval student accommodation, does in fact restore some semblance of normalcy in your life. Trust me, the last thing you want them to see is, you losing your self in a chocolate induced high.

Have accepted the fact that I’m never ‘gonna excel in Med School’.That one’s for you Jollivet, and it comes from the bottomless pit of my heart. Reason being, upon examination, I spend more time eating, sleeping, listening to music and wondering if that Idiot On My MSN List Is Going To Say Hi To Me Because I’m Crazy About Him. So, all the self-pity I have for myself when I complain that ‘I’m not doing as well as I should be although I’m trying’, is no longer an excuse. It should be thrown out of the window along with all my hopes of becoming a competent doctor.

Have achieved mental realization that my comfort zone is effectively – ‘To be constently depressed and believing that the world is against me’.
Ditto Dharshini! Yes, I bring about the sadness in my life. No, no, not Al Green, I don’t listen to him. But you should see what I listen to.

I don’t know what I want.
Seems to me, I have spent hours, heck, YEARS! interpreting the splatter patterns of split milk. I think too much, look 10 years older and react 10 years younger / older depending on the situation. I have a reason to believe they are inversely related.

I never keep my promises to myself.
This is self evident. I decided never to update my blog whenever I’m depressed and horny. That would explain why this space hasn’t received any attention from me since my last post. But, wait look, scroll up, down, and what do you see? The entire post is an example, no wait, excerpt of the potential monologue I’m going to have with my psychiatrist.

Oh well, I better stop here. The next time I post, let’s hope it’s something more…..Bright.

Dwelling with Eva Cassidy’s Time after time