Friday, May 06, 2005


Is it necessary or sufficient that doctors/future doctors have a higher threshold to disgusting things?

I held a piece of envelope with scores of phone numbers scrawled haphazardly on it. It wasn't the numbers, and it wasn't the fact that this envelope was left on the floorboard of his car. It was the stain and the stench.

It explained why he left a blanket on the driving seat. But it didn’t help that I was taking the wheel to ferry my brother to tuition class.

I grimaced and snatched the envelope from my brother hands. It found its way there while I was lost in contemplation.

Just a few weeks ago I was spreading around gossip regarding J.Lo's anal leakage. Never would have thought that the problem was so close to home after all.

While I was driving, queasily, trying very hard to keep my mind on the road and not what I could possibly be sitting on, I told myself I better get used to things like this….I better.

By the time I got home, I was giving myself a pat on the back. Why?

1) I brought the car back in one piece.
2) Dropped my brother at tuition in one piece.
3) I'm still in one piece.
4) I haven't shattered his ego by telling him I know his BIG secret.
5) I have increased my disgusting threshold by one band.

I really need to go and change my pants at least…

Oh, by the by….exam's in 2 days time….shit!


Hwee Jian is resting in Assunta with her tonsils raging out of control. She can't eat solids. She chooses not to receive visitors - it gives her a headache, which in turn causes her to vomit.

Poor girl. Get well quick!

Current music: Neil Sedaka's Breaking up is hard to do.


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