Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Nature Calls!

Worked my way to the Pasar Malam, which is at least a kilometer away from the condominiums. It was still sunny, but I figured after all the deep freezing I had today, I could use some thawing. Was humming Michael Bublé's Home along the way but soon gave up when I couldn't place the song, the searing heat, the zooming motorbikes and the rough tar together in a heap.

Wouldn't it be nice to go camping/hiking/jungle-trekking? The last time I spent more then 2 hours in the jungle..…when was it? Form…..4. Yes form 4 - Prefect's Camp. Although it was very physical - we did absailing, flying-fox, jungle trekking…..since we were such an 'elite group of people', the newly appointed teacher advisor decided that we could all use a stay in the hotel - a five star hotel! As I result, I refused to go for the annual camp in Form 5 - this time it was a beach resort. How preposterous! I told her I had to be a flower girl for my Untie's wedding. Ha! ME - FLOWERGIRL?! Can't believe she bought it. But she did harass me the entire year, until we officially retired when SPM was hot on our heels.

So, basically, even with a long history of supposed exposure to the wild-outdoors - starting humbly with Brownies in Standard 3, then moved on to Girl Guides in Form 1, and finally Rangers in Form 4, I NEVER had the practical lessons of sleeping in a tent, the art of unhooking a bra with one hand, changing underwear while still having the 'outer-wear' on, cooking edible meals on firewood, singing folk-songs around campfires, or even sharing ghost stories late-late-late at night.

(I would like to note however that we, semi-senior Guides in Form 2, had to prepare a set meal using firewood as part of our Fire-Lighting component of the Second Class test. It wasn't edible to us, because ashes inevitably sunk onto the food - I wonder how the seniors ate it…ekk!)

The BIG question is - Who in KDU would agree to accompany me to answer Nature's Call? By the time exam's are over and done with, this urge might be over and done with too. (Hopefully not.) Plus with all the superhuman-cool-movies due for summer release on the silver screen, my search could be doomed from its conception! Who would ditch the 'so-planned clubbing nights', drunken sleep-overs and the Megasales for self-imposed suffering in the wild?

Who? Who? Who?


Blogger fishtail said...

Whatever you do, don't go hiking up the Municipal Park in Penang! See what happened to that guy? He went hiking with 2 others on Wednesday last, got lost, phoned somebody using his handphone, and was found dead on Sunday.

3:55 AM  

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