Thursday, February 10, 2005

Lunar Aspirations..

Oh, man, it's been so long, ain't it? Honestly, have been refusing to wear my thinking cap to come up with something worth mentioning for a couple of weeks. This is more of a reaction than an action and don't blame a dry well for that matter. So, what prompted this stagnancy? From experience, no one responses to depressing details of a fellow being - so - let's just skip that, shall we?

My blog - well - is the very essence of my stimulus, at least, if you read in between the lines of all my entries for the past few months.

To justify my lack of effort in blogging since the Georgian Calendar's New Year = A greater part of the year was spent in the gutter. A high price to pay for one day, just One day of complete, absolute - exaltation. All my worries have since materialised into a severe mortification of receiving any form of correspondence, although its connection to university applications if anything is vague.

My blogging sterility has in turn caused a sudden urge to read archives of fellow bloggers as well as mine. To my horror, 90 bloody hell percent of my blog is filled with disillusionment. Almost like as if I was living in an Alternate Universe - all rosy and surreal. I sounded too…zesty and *gasp* - happy.

Yup, yup, when you're down, there's no other way to go but - Up. Then again, bad luck to me is like a slow, prolonged drizzle. Trickling down initially, but picking up speed till it becomes a hailstorm.

So, if raindrops keep falling on my head, my eyes won't turn red. I'll just - Let it Be.

Current Comforting Song : Alanis Morissette's 'Learn'

p.s - on a brighter note - Junkies looking for a fresh start can always use the Chinese lunar calendar and start over. Happy NEW YEAR!


Blogger Jollivet said...


pri I'm so certain you did bloody damn well .. I'm goin to congratulate u this very instant..

CONGRATS! oh wait.. did I jst?? hecks. anyway... cheers!

11:21 AM  

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