Friday, January 07, 2005

The Last 12 Hours


Removed the smudged eyeliner of my face while playing with Floppes. He's the Russ teddy bear that was suppose to be the rotten fish. He was stuffed in a box and when I opened it, his little head popped out accompanied with my happy shrieks. Once I got him out of the box, I gave him a whack on the butt, just like how newborns are whacked if they refuse to cry right after birth. Floppes has a very beady butt. My sinus diseased nose is begging for a swab. I still have the creamy after taste of blueberry cheesecake in my mouth. Glorious! Got to take the run around the block before it gets too dark for safety.


The sky is bluish-purple - just like how it was in the morning. It was pointless skipping the morning run for an evening one. It's not misty at all - just dank. Makeshift tents line the roads, becoming extensions of houses about to give a New Year treat to friends and relatives. I can even smell what's cooking indoors. It's a real de-motivating factor when you're run steep hills and long flat roads. Also, saw a Matthew McConaughey look-a-like, only more pretentious. Always thought that his Texan drawl was overdone although it was perfectly natural.


Off to the temple now. The temple - Always had too much to ask but nothing to offer in return. Just when I needed faith, I LOST it. Went cuckoo and couldn't control the fluctuating mood swings until after the BMAT ended it all. How I gained it back? By watching The Joy Luck Club. Don't ask me why I got my enlightenment from the idiot box. Just decided that I should see things as Half-Full instead of Half-Empty. My mom presented me with a large, yellow-dried coloured apple. Only after taking a bite did I realize that it was actually a pear. This pear, according to my mom, would grant me anything I wished for. Anything. She had the fruit blessed and the sage told her I should eat it without sharing it with anyone. Sometimes I wonder if my severely religious mother really believes everything she thinks is divine. If eating something can bring me anything I wanted, I wouldn't be working myself sick. Am old enough to know that anything I want usually demands excessive and tireless toiling. Heck! Will just eat it anyway.


"So, who wished you today?" By that, my mom meant relatives. It was then that I realized my grandma wasn't in the list. She, of All people. This is not right at all. Sudden urge to listen to 'Let it Be' by the Beatles…oh BLOODY HELL! Can't wait for 0000.

1st of January 2005


Nursing my second sinus attack and my indigestion. Feeling exceptionally bitter. What a Great start for the New Year. Saw the fireworks with a pair of binoculars. Found it very pretentious. Not excited at all. Tired of James Bond although its one movie teeming with double meaning lines…….am VERY CRANKY.


Dozing off.


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