Friday, December 17, 2004

10 days ?!.....Bullshit!


It’s been 6 months plus plus and counting. Surely, it’s near impossible to get hitched in 10 freaking days! But what if I start the whole enterprise with the pretence of losing the guy in 10 days? Really, Hudson was so successful playing along this strategy – “How to lose a guy in 10 days…”. So why not me?

Dream on….How can I lose something when I haven’t got it in the first place. Bloody good question I would say. Just…. I can’t help but lament, why, why Why is it a near impossibility for me to get something close to a companion?

Okay, so I am going to sit myself down and really examine this muddle.

First of, the problem isn’t out there, but in retrospect – in HERE.

Rule #1: Don’t cling.

Sounds simple enough, but easier said than done. I mean, Who the hell doesn’t get excited? Yes, you got it – NO messages, no SMSs, no phone calls and no ‘coincidences’. I guess it’s good to remember that it takes 2 to tango. I remember following this Rule like a mantra. There was this time that I drove myself sick and decided to sleep on it when at the 11th hour, he sends a SMS. OH MY God! Considering it was me who always started the “SMS conversations…”

Rule #2: TLC

Tricky, tricky, tricky and give it time, this can get very boring. However, to expect tender love and care, one has to give it – generously. Some people just can’t sing and you have to admit it even if it’s your crush. The experience can be alleviated if you know the words too, but if you don’t – just drown yourself in the awkwardness of the moment akin to being sung a lullaby.

Rule #3: Pretend

Don’t know whether it’s better to follow this one religiously or simply throw it out of the window. It’s horrendous to sit through something when you don’t give 2 shoots about whether its and air or ice ball. Then there is the torturous time when you miss him like crazy but Mr. Handsome has a “guy’s night out” to attend instead. So, it all comes down to pretending by saying “Ok then honey, see you later” or simply showing how you really feel. Either way, someone is bound to be unhappy. The first situation is a “win-lose” one while the second one is downright “lose-lose”.

‘Tension of Opposites’ – that’s what love/crush is. At the end of the day, both parties will be flaked out after a vigorous tug-of-war competition…

Still haven’t solved my problem. Well, at least its 6 months and STILL counting..


Blogger fishtail said...

Can't wait to read the sequel to this post ... there's going to be one, I presume?

6:20 AM  
Blogger BoNdI said...

Dear fishtail,

If you're waiting, you're never going to get it. Nothing's "happily ever after" anymore no matter how much you rant about it. WOe..woe..woe..

7:46 AM  

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