Sunday, January 09, 2005

Of Mammary Glands

I heard a horror story once. A girl had bound her chest with muskin tape and wore two layers of underclothes in hope of halting the growth of her budding breast to preserve her child-like proportions. Fast forward 3 years, and this same girl, told a bunch of friends "I wish I had bigger boobies to fill in that cute little thing of a dress".

See, a girl's opinion of her breast changes with time and age. If once she hunched her shoulders, bend to stoop a little to hide that shameful and painful growing things, she would one day desire to tease and play around her female figure to exercise her role as a sex object, once in while. NO, don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about being downright blasphemous and slutty. Today's modern young women's desire to be sexy is fueled by the need to establish a mature and strong self-confidence about her figure rather than the need to be sex kittens.

You can partly blame the entertainment industry for that. Watch a movie and see countless incidence of nipples, cleavages and the swellings of heavenly bosoms. It's rather shocking to note that the introduction of the sultry heroine rouses not only the males but also the young, impressionable females. If you were to listen to Oprah, you'll note the need to expose your cleavage during its 'ALL TIME HIGH'. When is it exactly? The hormonal changes that trigger food-cravings, unproportionate fat distribution, severe morning sickness coupled with oscillating mood swings also contribute to the blossoming of a woman's greatest asset. Expect it on your second tri-semester and by God, enjoy it, and if possible, heh, Expose it!

To all those binge eaters: Woe not! When you're big, EVERYTHING is Big.

To all those health freaks: When you lose weight, you're bound to lose it too. So, WOE! Since breasts are made up of fatty-fibrous tissues, my guess is the constant bobbing of it during your jogs, runs, cycles and power-walks is bound to use up the reserves from the only place you don't want to shrink.

So guys, the next time you see a cleavage, DON'T STARE. It's not there for you. It's for the Her. Female Homo sapiens are blessed with the Largest Mammary glands as compared to the other Mammals. It's so huge that its size is larger than its function requires it to be. Hurrah! Researches say that it's partly due to Selective Evolution. Our male counterparts seem to be continually affected or rather, mystified by the 'extensions' of the female body. It projects the image or idea that females with larger than necessary breasts are healthier and, well, I don't know, haven't explored the misjunctioned neuron connections of the male species.

When a girl steps on the precarious zone of being a young lady, she would persistently question the need to have breast. Of course there's the suckling of a babe, but why can't the breast just grow due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and subsequently shrink after the babe is strong enough to handle formula milk? It just seems utterly useless, the effort of growing and wearing those dumb, uncomfortable bras. Her heightened sexual awareness, sometimes only making a late appearance (often a good thing, heh), would enable her to understand that boobs are "kinda cute anyways". There are also countless instances when you hear stories of 'accidentally dropping something and then bending low to pick it up' - very useful when picking up a guy or putting yourself up a notch during interviews. You have 'Legally Blonde' to attest to that. Remember the 'Bend and Snap'?

Standing on a seesaw and judging the importance of mammary glands - I find that I like it more now than I ever had, just wished it was - hrm - bigger. Heh!


Blogger Jollivet said...

Hehe... I know who the girl in your horror story is... SURPRISE!*rolls eyes*

11:33 AM  
Blogger BoNdI said...

Dear Jol,

I know you know. Let's put our hands together and pray with gratefulness that she's in Russia. Man, we had some roller coater ride. And, keep that eye rolling off! It's SO sri aman! :-)

1:47 PM  
Blogger YueN said...

hmmm...i've heard this story too...hee hee, but forgot who is starring...

Haiyoh, bondi, ur boobs are fine... =P

4:14 PM  
Blogger BoNdI said...

Dear Yuen,

Maybe its better that you forgot. Not worth the brain cells in remembering.

WEI! Why are you being so direct...

hrm, hrm - thanks. I know. heh!! (I'm so full of crap!)

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

er..i have 36C (er, too much info? ) and for a malaysian person, that's tremendous..almost like Amy Yip..and i used to get so many stared i would hump over like a gorilla to walk. PERVERTS!!!!

12:37 AM  
Blogger BoNdI said...

Dear Letti,

Perverts are everywhere. One used it to get attention when the busty female refused to responce to his pointless ramblings.

Pervert : Oh MY GOD! Your boobs are HUGE!!

oh, think 36 C is great. Anything bigger than mine is!

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know which pervert that is... Absolutely true though- they're absolutely EVERYWHERE!!! Perverts, not boobs yeah. For your info, i've watched Bridget Jones' Diary 2 for the fourth time and i have to quote: " they're the biggest perverts in the country disguised as close relatives"... simple yet true.

the worst i have to say is when i wear low tops, showing mini-cleavage and all these male numbskulls look at them assets rather that my face. I was out to dinner just on Monday, and this fella i've known for the past 7 years or so just kept on staring at my boobies. And everytime i turned to talk to him he'd have to shift his focus from a several inches below my chin, to several above it! sheesh... they don't get worse than that. Oh, heck, don't get me started on the number of perverts i've come across.. simply astounding i tell ya!

ps. i'll remain anonymous on this post, i'm pretty sure you know who this is anyways. if you dont, you're a retard! big enough clue for you?

8:45 AM  
Blogger BoNdI said...


I could guess from the very first line. Cheeky, cheeky.

AT LEAST you have a cleavage. Can't seem to form one, no matter WHAT i do. woe,woe.woe!

By the by, this post is like a feminist coloumn or something. No RESPECTABLE male has written one word. I rendered them - speechless ! hahaha, real crap!

muaxs and hugs!

12:21 AM  
Blogger Jollivet said...

My goodness, you're really letting this cleavage thing get to you arent you! Goodness sakes, your "mamary glands" aren't so bad...don't keep underestimating them-lah! Anyway.. why the obsession? A past experience that we might somehow find interest in? =)

1:50 AM  
Blogger BoNdI said...

Dear Jol,

what lar you! Why are you freaking out. Did you see the Golden Globes yet. See how varied the cleavages were...

it's just a phase. No worries!


10:55 AM  

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