Chemistry lessons are getting out of hand these days, NOT that I’m complaining. It’s always a fresh thought to sit yourself down for a particular subject but, after a while finding yourself having more fun than the scope of the subject allows you to.
So what was so fun, refreshing and thrilling this time around?
Well….classmates and I found that one rather cold day [no thanks to the air-conditioning system in the Aquarium (Room 400)], Hitler* was checking his mail, and to cut a long story short, after much pestering and begging, we all sat in anticipation to watch a video, courtesy of the World Wide Web and a forwarded mail from my initially thought to be innocent Biology lecturer.
It was an advertisement.
First, we were fed with a real-time images of a boy. He was having his lunch break with his classmates, all staring at him green with envy. Why? He was having a LARGE bowl of ice-cream, scoop after scoop, finally forming a mountain. He quietly said “ Mommy said I could…”
Then we see him in a tattoo parlour, and doing what? Getting a tattoo of course! With a cute little singlet, he looked at the bald, bouncer-like artist who stared at him in between the designing to say “ Mommy said I could…”
Our lucky pal then played truant by driving around a posh car. When stopped by the traffic police, he lifted up both hands to surrender and told the ticketing officer “Mommy said I could…”
He turned into a plain brute and sawed off his teacher’s chair into two equal halfs while his classmates cheered him on. Upon inspection by the teacher, he pleaded “Mommy said I could…”
By then we were all wondering how on earth he got a blessed mother for himself while we were stuck in class almost frozen to our bones…
It’s night and our hero walks with a robe on his pyjamas towards his mother’s room across the aisle. He knocks, politely and asks…”Mommy can I put the cat in the washing machine?”
From inside the room, an euphoric voice shouted “Oui! Oui! Oui!”(French for Yes!Yes!Yes!)
He then jumps with exaltation and moves out the screen to kill the cat...
The advertisement?
Hansaplast Condoms
Nice one!
Moral of the story: when you need something from mum, ask her when her bedroom door is closed.
Dear YingKs!,
Dear fishtail,
For most humaniods, the odds of hearing "Yes!yes!Yes!" are as low as hearing a drowsy barely there guttural noise.
See, Smartass does have a point... anyway, agree that the ad is cool :)
dad sends nod
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