Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Smokey Eyes

Two guards rudely waved at me to get out of the compound. I, of course ignored them. Can't I even drop my brother in school? As soon as lil' bro opened his door, Babu grabbed the door (the nerve of him!) and started rambling. I went on the defensive, but stopped when I finally understood what was being said.

School was closed. Haze was too thick. Kids might suffocate and plop down in the middle of the a lesson.

Bro smugly sat in the car. I turned to look at him. There, that smile of satisfaction. Anger shot through me.

I spent the greater part of the noon with my hands on my hips, waiting and waiting and waiting for him to get ready. 9 year old bugger that needs 10 minutes to tie his shoelaces. I'm certain he wanted to infuriate me.

Today the haze was horrible. Every single condo unit shut their windows tight. Worried mothers talked and started questioning me on which schools were closed for the day (like I had any inkling) as I grunted away while ushering my brother into our crib.

He came home, ripped his shirt (literally - 4 buttons jumped out and settled on the floor) and grabbed the remote before settling on BBC - his habit (he checked up on the earthquake after we were told to evacuate the building). Like a local haze would be featured on an international TV station! HUMP!!

Current music: The Platters' Smoke gets in your eyes.


Blogger YueN said...

U'll be dissapointed to know that our ugh-haze was given news coverage on the BBC. I think the report lasted a full 3 minutes. Could've been more.

Wah, driving brother to school ar? in the haze sumore! heh heh...

5:28 PM  

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