Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Rather peculiar. My blogpatrol recorded the highest hit yet on Monday the 8th. Heh, it's no brainer as to why this happened though.

And the fact that I didn't disclose my results must have disappointed some quarters. I mean, imagine the frustration - skimming through the whole jumble of text to locate 4 capitalised letters (4 because I took 4 subjects). In the event of failure, one will be forced to read the whole text, to see whether I'm jubilant or characteristically bitter. As far as my feelings were concerned, I wrote it in the most detached manner.

To add fuel to the fire, (fire being anger), I prattled on about a grandma and my subdued flirtation with booze. Hah!

I read with with some distaste at the billboard like annoucements about results in some of my peer's blogs. No, no, am happy for them, but I never fancied fanning peacock feathers around. And it's a damn good way to fish congradulatory messages anyway.

By the by, since I couldn't care less about what others think and I'm a self professed champion of free-will, they can do whatever they want in their blogs, as I can do in mine.

Not really. Had to impose some censorship on myself after a fellow blogger imagined I hired a scribe to write a particular post pepper-potted with vulgarity. It's my, my and all my doing.

Anyhow....CONGRATS TO EVERYONE...good or bad, it takes a lot to remain alive, heh!

Current music: Damien Rice's Cannonball.


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6:01 AM  

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