Saturday, August 14, 2004

Lowly Situations...

Well, throughout the history of my dearest blog, I have so far restrained myslef from any mention of deeply personal matters. Today, I am about to break that long held traditon, I'm going to spill it out, everything...

I am fresh out of my first examination in college. I don't know why but the whole idea of being in college is all..well...bed and roses...birds and the bees. Only four months and we had to sit for the term test. So I guess reality ain't in synchrony with our presumptions.

The exams only lasted a week and I can tell you, it was a LONG week. I was basically prepared, I believe even the librarian(who actually memorised my student identification number) can attest to this fact. (I had made the library my second home).Nevertheless, life is filled with many suprises and pot holes full of shit that will claim your perfumed feet once in a while.

The First Day:

The schedule included two papers, both of which required the left side of the brain to work with. Pure Mathematics and one of its progeny, Mechanics. I remember sitting down getting myself comfortable and slowly assimilatiing myself with the atmoshpere of the dark Auditorium. I said my prayers, cluthing my holy chain thightly, hoping with the damnest that I will remember solving methods and use the right one to unravel the questions. When the invigilators said "Begin", I took a deep breath, and the battle of Students against all that Evil represents begun...........

The Second Day :

It was to be the most horrible day of all, if only I took my feelings as a forewarning seriously. The schedule was like....SHIT. Forgive my outburst, but I am not lying. I had Physics, followed by Chemistry. And the gap between the two? 15 minutes. I was in a quagmire, of faeces, germs and everything else. I can safely say the worst paper I had was none other than Physics. How do i explain this and claim your sympathy? Relatively easy! The paper was to be done over with by one hour. And the questions, it required two hours. Please refer to Sighting : Episode 2 : Teachers from Hell.
Whatever would be, would be, right Sarah? I walked down the stairs, literally stoned. I vented my anger on two unfortunate souls, and got ready for my Chemistry.

Chemistry, oh dearest, my illicit affair with this branch of science(only a privilaged few knows...). The paper, it was a JOKE! I am not saying it was easy-peasy. I'm saying it was a plain joke. Never in my short life have I sat for such a paper. The question began with a characther, Ah Long, who had a compony, called 'Chem R' Us'. The whole paper gave us an account of his life. It was enjoyable, and you know that you are suppose to laugh, but how do you do it in an examination hall? Not only did the lecturer put us in conflict with our human emotions, he made it a struggle for us as there was no way we could skip a question and 'go-astern', we had to attempt the question as they appeared, simply because it was a story, without using any creative afforts like flaskback. If your curiosity tickles you, the paper ended with the marriage of Ah Long and his long-time girlfriend and they produced some Ah Boon and Ah someother...

I have decided to keep the third and the fourth day for tomorrows' edition..

p.s - it is just too painful...


Blogger yingks said...

DUDE!!! "Only four months and we had to sit for the term test."!! OK, it's the term dude. I sat for TRIALS! Knew nothing about Accounting. Guess how I felt!!

But anyway I'm not here to undermine your pressure-vent. Go ahead. I understand. Just be thankful it wasn't the trials. No "Intergration", "3-D Vectors" and "Volume of Revolution", at least for pure math. That's lucky enough. Not to mention stupid accounts. *bleh*

Can't wait for your edition tmr tho!

5:51 AM  
Blogger BoNdI said...

Hey YingKs!

It might not be my trials, but you got to remember, my UCAS application is solely based on this term results. I can't imagine my Physics's just too dreadful...i wonder if i passed...can you imagine that, from thoughts of getting straight A's to a mere worry of passing...gosh...i have degraded....gosh...why am i saying this for everyones perusal....gosh..

Sorry, but i think 3rd and fourth day can wait for a better post...hehehehhe

4:00 AM  
Blogger yingks said...

Oh thank goodness, I think they're not basing my UCAS thing on my trials since it won't be fair for me! They forced me to take trials in place for term. But you should still anyhow be thankful. Trials are trials. Imagine, the first exam of college life is trials. Wow. Amazing.

7:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exams will always be exams.No comment for this posting.

4:11 PM  
Blogger BoNdI said...

Dear Anonymous,

Yes, exams are exams. Although knowing you, i do not want to question you further..

thanks for dropping by!

1:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life must go on.... eventhough we have sucky papers. (how i wanted to push that guy into the well!!!) but still... i have to admit life can't get anymore interesting.... ;-) -P-

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no words can describe how horrified i was on tuesday... -P-

10:02 AM  
Blogger BoNdI said...

Dear P

My comrade in the quadmire, how i appreciate you. but i think you're in a better position than i am in right now. Just hope Ah Long's 'chem r' us' had profitted this year....

thanks for dropping by

12:56 AM  

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