Thursday, July 29, 2004

Of Spiderman and Nighties and Change

Of Spiderman and Nighties

Approximately 2 weeks ago, on Friday, my nose couldn't stop running. Not walking away literally, but simply leaking, and uncontrobaly at that! My sinus was at its peak, I had finished my daily ration of tissue paper,my nose was red (thanks to the constant rub and friction between numerous tissue papers and the epidermis, my head throbbed, and my shoulders were aching. I could sense a huge headache forming, from my temples and slowly but painfully slithering towards my forehead. It didn't help that I had to endure 2 hours of biology practical with a very very strict lecturer ( sssshhhhh!! ) and self-obligatory/self-induced study in the library for another 3 hours before going to my little space of the off the ground (my condominium unit).

OKAY! I was about to be sick and I needed a break.
"I want to go and see Spiderman", I exclamed loudly.
"I heard that", answered my bio lecturer.

After that, I minimised my sighing, and decided to brave through all those hours, there's no other way out.Once I got home, nearly 15 minutes later, the phone rang!!

My initial thought was that my mother was on the other side of the line, just wanting to give me some instructions on some menial task.
"ALAMAK", it's Kamala, my very very plutonic friend was the one in actual fact.

Our conversion : brief. Why? I was to go with her for Spiderman! YEAH! I was sick, and I didn't care for I wanted to spend sometime with her. National Service on her part, college on my part and then Form 6 on her part, seperated us all this while.

By 8.15p.m, we were already at a nearby shopping mall, standing in line,hoping we could get a proper seat in the cinema. Unfortunately, Friday was the day everybody wanted to catch a nerd in a blue-red tight suit. We settled for a fourth row from the screen seat which only aggravated my slowly worsening back pain. While the advertisement ran, we kept each other up-to-date with all the 'world news'.

The movie : horrenduous. And we both agreed on that (FINALLY)! The tension-of-opposites in the movie was strained far too much to be entertaining. We complained about everything about Ms. Dunst and mesmerized by our mutual thought of how manly Spiderman's friend looked instead of Spiderman himself.

As the movie reached its conclusion, we were bought laughing like hyenas on how stupidly Dunst, wearing a very pretty wedding dress, runs with bright sunlight on the back and white dove flying around, to Maguire's dilapidated appartment, after ditching the alter.

So, much for a stupid movie, we left the cinema at around 11.00p.m to get to the entrace were our pick-up was. It was then we passed the famous lingerie shop-BLUSH. Just giving a pasing glance, I spotted an innocent white, cotton nightie, and exclaimed loudly,

"Hey, wait, look, it's so nice"
Suprising, she giggled, far more notoriously than could be imagined to come out of her.
"Yah, IF Huge Jackman peels it of you..."

I burst out laughing. I knew she wasn't the Kamala I knew back in school. A few months ago, things like that would only come out of me, not her. I guess NS changed her...too much. She learned how to climb up fences to run to the mall although her camp was situated in Sabah, near the fringes of the jungle. She even accounted to me how she and her fellow mates hid under the bed when the trainers came knocking on the door in the morning just to skip the days events. The dust underneath didn't matter at that instant.

Change she underwent certainly made my day, I was pleased that, finally I got a friend with the same level of filth in the head!

p.s- my sinus proved to be quite a formidable enemy. It made me sick for the weekend, rendering any attempts on my part to prepare for the term test hopeless!!


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