Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Sigthings : Episode 2


Sigthings 3 : Teachers from Hell.

Incognitos spotted a commotion outside the Auditorium. Situated at the 1 st floor, it was a place where functions were held. As it was a multi-purpose building, it was currently in use for examinations. Upon further enquiries, it turned out that the students enrolled in the Centre for Pre-University Studies were having their term and also trials for the upcoming Cambridge A-Levels examination. Consequently, or maybe not, high levels of abnormality was recorded in our electromagnetic wave device. We then went closer, for a through examination of the events ongoing while the students sweated out in the dark, unfriendly atmosphere...

"That teacher was born and raised in hell!!
"Precisely, how are we suppose to complete a paper with 2 hours worth of question within an hour?"
....."I couldn't finish that #$*%ing paper!"
"She purposely did it....remember what she said..."I would give you 2 long questions where you have to balance accounts with no objective's that? It would be easy! "
"Those accounts couldn't be balanced....I'm going to fail it...."
"Oh screw it man!"

Not far away, we heard another group of students..

"Sir, there's no time. How can you do this sir?!
"Was it hard?"
"No, in can be done, but, there was NO TIME!"
"Sir,....our grades, 100% from this paper?"
"NO, sir....NO!"
And with a sly smile, he said,
"Just take this as an experience, go back home and try it out again...we will see how...this paper...." and left, with the doors swinging back.
"How could he do this, I DIDN'T complete so many questions!"

In another case,

"I'm so tense, how the hell am I suppose to hold this up? I missed an exam because of some time table mix-up. Ms(--) told me that this paper would be now, but when I went there, the place was empty",
"Oh, another classic case of teachers from hell..."
"You should calm down, you got another test in 10 minutes..."
"Gosh! I'm so dead man, so DEAD!"

Point : It is rather interesting how much of pain those 'creatures from hell' can incure to these students. If they were truly from hell, wounldn't they carry and emblem of some kind,
like two horns, projecting upwards like the rather over-americanized devil - Hell Boy? Incognitos had many reasons to believe that these 'creatures' had been suited with many
disguises....then again....maybe not...

Sighting 4 : Zombies.

Many complained of being dead and only present in a vaguest way possible. Incognitos found this an interesting fact. In many conversations that we overheard, many references were made about death and the cycle of life, in rather interesting ways. For example :

1) I booked the incinerator last week and decided to keep my date with it after physics paper.
2) What are you guys talking about?..huh..amoebic movement...multinucleic? I'm in the

twilight zone right now....
3) Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder how close you are...
4) I am so dead,I'm twelve feet underneath..
5) I would be lucky if I could see the day light
6) -I am dead
-If you're dead, I'm already eaten and digested by animals
-And through amonification, I'm already a nitrate
-You can't beat this! I'm denitrified and already in the air as N2 (nitrogen gas)

Point : The students still managed humour although they claimed to be dead. Are zombies capable of human emotions while facing physical erosion?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

now now... doesnt all this sound familiar.... hhhmmm.... i recall all this somwhere in the distant past... maybe my past life... -P-

12:16 PM  
Blogger yingks said...

The creatures from hell thingy is really cool. The zombie thingy... well, you're just plain lucky that your exams are over. I'm trying to cram the entire 'Wide Sargasso Sea' in 2 hrs now..almost 3 quarters through. And there's this part about Zombis. Something like ' a dead person that seems alive, or a living person who seems dead', or rather, a 'living dead'. Doesn't it remind you of many people you know. Hmm....:P

4:23 PM  
Blogger BoNdI said...

Hey -p-!!

Didn't know you would respond to my mssg so quickly! You must have been bored...thinking skills to easy for you??

hahhahah - well- my blog is all about my experience in you have a part in it too...very subversive don't you think!

thanks for dropping by!

2:15 AM  
Blogger BoNdI said...

Hey Yingks!

As I said, calm down, things might already be in your head. Remember, literature studies is more of your opinion accompanied with facts rather than plain facts. At this time, you should be reading a guide to the book, not the book itself. But don't worry, anyone who knows you would know that you're an expert when coming up with chill out..although the text is about antionette becoming a crazy woman and ending up in the asylum..

and who are the zombies?...don't really get who you are talking about..

thanks for stopping by and good luck...
my exams are not over...still have some thinking to do for thinking skills...!

2:22 AM  
Blogger yingks said...

The Zombi thingy is not a 'who', but rather the tone / plot of the story. It plays its part in making Antoinette subjugated to the level of a 'living dead' - though she's alive, she's already 'dead' in many ways.

OK i better stop my 'response' here and save it up for the exams later!! Btw have you read the story? It's rather creepy, the Zombi - Caribbean beliefs stuff. *shivers*

3:50 AM  
Blogger BoNdI said...

Dear Yingks!

Nope haven't read the's amazing isn't it on how i know the plot although i haven't read it ;-)) Karen had tutored me!

See, you know your facts...don't worry!
Good Luck..

5:37 AM  
Blogger fishtail said...

Thinking Skills must have been a breeze, what with Q1: How long does it take you to roast a chicken? No wonder people came into the exam hall smiling all the way from their left ears to their right. Pssst, they say Moral Studies for next semester would not ask you how long would it take to roast a chicken, but "Why would you want to roast the poor chicken?" "Why can't you leave that poor chicken alone?" "Would would happen to its wife and kids?" and "How would you feel if the roles were reversed and the chicken roasted you instead?"

7:18 AM  
Blogger BoNdI said...

Dear fishtail,

It might seem easy, this thinking skills papers, but it's only when it's too easy that you make mistakes you would hit your head against the wall when you realise it.
by the by,
pls don't take any comments made about teachers too seriously..

thanks for dropping by!

8:14 AM  
Blogger yingks said...


11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you give more questions, you are supposed to give extra time as well....Thats what we all thought.But, pparently.. the teachers thought that we are a bunch of Einsteins who can do the paper within half the given time.What a about not being fir.I pit those who were sitting for their trial papers... they must have had an awful, terrible time.Life is so unbfair...Krystle

4:30 PM  

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